Fun is double the fun when it is shared with one.  In most cases, it is triple the fun when it is shared with two.  In the case of my sisters and me, it is always multiplied when we are all three partaking.

I have made it clear in previous posts that Suzanne and I love garage sales.  Gail, not so much.  At least, that’s what she thought.  She has always loved estate sales, but shies away from garage sales. 

This weekend, Gail and her daughter, Lydia, were in our small city for prime-time garage sale-ing.  Saturday morning, Suzanne and I talked them into joining us for the fun, and I think perhaps we may have turned the tide for her. 

It was actually a jackpot for all of us, because there was a massive estate sale in town in a home that apparently housed its members—and their cool stuff—for many years.  We all came away winners from that one.  Gail even stuck around long enough to go back at noon when everything became half-price to score several more expensive treasures:  a large stone crock, a vintage blue fan, and a Depression glass bowl that completed her set.

Suzanne found goodies for her new house and a few other treasures; I found my usual stash for my art projects—especially vintage jewelry. 

These people were obviously cool folks, because we found some goodies from one of our favorite brands with a favorite message:  Life is good. Suzanne found a shirt, and I found a beautiful coffee mug. 

We proceeded to another estate sale, hoping to score big like we had at the last one.  Let’s just say I’m glad we made it out without any purchases.  We couldn’t leave fast enough, but I assured them all that this is indeed a numbers game, and you have to kiss a lot of frogs in the process—much like dating.  Gail was quick to whip her hand sanitizer out of her purse, and we proceeded on to a few more sales.  We should have taken a picture of the disaster that they called an estate sale, but we were too concerned about getting away with our lives, so snapping a picture may have been detrimental. (Have you ever seen the movie Deliverance?)

Then, we were redeemed by Alainna. 

She was the life of the party at her own garage sale, so they got along beautifully, and Gail came away with several beautiful pictures.  We all learned something new, because we had never even heard of a giclee before yesterday:

I chauffeured them around in my car, and with all these treasures we scored, space became tight:

Clearly, Lydia wasn’t having as much fun as we were, but she remained a good sport.  She had no choice, really.  Her mother and two aunts wouldn’t let her hang back.  We are like that when we are faced with a straggler.  Have fun or go home could be our mantra, except Lydia had no choice.  She was celebrating in other ways, however.  She and Gail were in town for her four-month check-up with her endocrinologist.  Her Type One diabetes is in control, her numbers are good, and she has won another four-month battle—and she continues to win the war. 

Gail and Lydia had to leave early in the afternoon, but Suzanne and I are priding ourselves on our possible conversion.  We think perhaps Gail may indeed have come around to our way of thinking. 

If so, next year’s garage sale season may bring exponentially more fun when we get her back to our small city for another morning of garage sale-ing.  In the meantime, Suzanne and I are preparing for one of our own in her new garage/driveway. 

May the circle continue; hopefully our fellow garage-sale buffs will find a new home for our cast-offs.

Gail’s thinking of a new do…

6 thoughts on “THREE TIMES THE FUN

  1. Looks like you had a fun time at the garage sales! My sister in law and husband were at our house this weekend. While the guys were out fishing we decided to go to the garage sale across the street. They had their own stuff and also an estate sale for someone from their church. Wish I would have known you were in town and I would have called you. They had a lot of antiques, some furniture, jewelry and other items. Let me know when you and Suzanne have your garage sale. I’d love to come. Tell Gail I like her new do!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello again late! I hit a few more good ones this weekend. Suzanne will have the sale next Saturday, but we will be gone, so I am donating my stuff–it is on Rockview. Hope you are doing well, and staying well! Thanks again!


  2. So fun to find treasures! Sounds like a very fun time with your sisters! I’m glad to hear Lydia got news with her diabetes appointment, I will pray for that to continue! 🙏❤️. Love the new do Gail!

    Liked by 1 person

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